The Workweek

This week’s Workweek picks include a story from the Harvard Business Review on why trade, offshoring, and immigration get more political attention than automation does. An article by the Pro-Market Blog discusses how the share of total income going to workers has fallen for decades while wages haven’t grown as…

The Workweek

This week’s Workweek picks include a story by the Financial Times that explores the United Kingdom’s immigration policies and the margin of errors in estimating migration levels. The New York Times looks at possible policies from President-elect Trump to help working parents. And, the Wall Street Journal…

The Workweek

The Workweek post this week is a round-up of interesting data surrounding the election. The picks include a FiveThirtyEight article that identifies the most daunting economic and labor market challenges that the new administration will have to face in the next four years — jobs and wages, slow…

Games as Means…and an End

A few years ago, “gamification” advocates, notably Jane McGonigal, Seth Preibatsch, and Gabe Zichermann, championed harnessing the power of games in service of productivity. It was a heady time. Calling gamers “super-empowered hopeful individuals” with “urgent optimism” and “extreme…

Convened by Bloomberg and New America
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